Why You Feel Stuck in a Rut — Guide to Overcome Obstacles in Life | Part 7 of 7

Empowerment Nexus ☯️
5 min readJul 30, 2023


From Pain to Purpose: Release Emotional Blockages for Fulfillment. How to heal unfulfilled Self-Actualization + Crown blockages.

Tired of feeling disconnected from your true self and don't know how to take control of your life?

From what I’ve experienced in healing the unstable areas of my life, releasing a blockage and reducing overactivity in each area is not linear. There is no quick fix because the answer is within you to find.

You don’t say a mantra a couple of times a day and expect to change overnight. If you really want to heal and change, you have to look at the ugly memories, past mistakes, limited beliefs, and triggers in the eye. Hard.

Question them relentlessly. Why am I being cold to others? Why do I say yes when I really mean no? Intentionally look for the issue’s root on why you feel fearful. Watch what happens when you get consistent with calling out your own BS. Take action today and learn from the mistakes you make along the way.

What makes life meaningful for you? When do you take time to stop and appreciate what makes you feel good in life? Or have you fallen so low you don't feel anything anymore? Let’s reignite your fire and bring your soul purpose (or the big “why”) to life.

Need + Chakra Alignment Template

Copy the prompts below to save in your journal and make updates as needed. Recommend following up with your responses monthly until you reach optimal satisfaction.

Assessment Prompts:

[Today’s Date — MM.DD.YYYY]

  1. Where and how often do you fulfill this need in your day-to-day life?
  2. Are you satisfied with your current fulfillment of the need area?
  3. What is your desired state for the need area?
  4. Why do you need to fulfill this need area? (**Ask why & respond at least 3–5 times**)
  5. When do you want to see an improvement in this need area?

Sahasrara (Crown)

Purpose: Pure Cosmic Energy | Blockage: Earthly Attachment

Symptoms —

Overactive: Addicted to spirituality, not taking care of bodily needs

Underactive (Blocked): Not very open to spirituality, unable to set or maintain goals, lacking direction in life in general

Focus Point: Awareness, spiritual relationship to a higher power, universal source (circadian rhythm)

Investing in Crown Chakra helps resolve problems in the Self-Actualization area from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

“Self-actualization needs refer to the realization of a person’s potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, and peak experiences. This level of need refers to what a person’s full potential is and the realization of that potential.” — SimplePsychology

Example Crown + Self-Actualization Maintenace Schedule

Healing tips: Adjust time as needed — if you have a busy schedule, start with 5 minutes and work your way up to the suggested time.

AM Routine

  1. The moment you wake up, grab a pen and paper (or save a voice memo/video) to document everything you remember about your dreams. | 10 minutes
  2. Practice various deep breathing exercises until you find your ideal match (save your preferred breathing techniques in an easy-to-reach place). | 60 seconds
  3. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, brain dump every worry, fear, uncertainty, and doubt in a written or video/audio format. The goal is to empty your mind of all the concerns that fill your head at the start of the day. | 20 minutes
  4. Eat a filling & nutritious breakfast with violet foods. | 30 minutes
  5. Review & prioritize your to-do list. Ask yourself what matters most to you today if tomorrow wasn’t promised. Make those tasks your priority and give yourself space to make mistakes. Every step you take in the direction to build the life you desire leaves you one day closer to experiencing everything you wrote on your vision board. Our time here is finite, please make the most of every moment you get while you can. | 20 minutes

Work Routine

  1. Set a goal to complete at least 2 important tasks. | 6–8 hours
  2. Eat a satisfying lunch with co-workers or meet up/video chat/call a loved one to enjoy lunch with you and share your progress on your current short/long-term goals. | 30 minutes
  3. Re-read daily affirmations and re-center yourself from stressful work/life events. | 5 minutes

PM Routine

  1. Decompress from work/important tasks with your favorite relaxing activities. | 45 minutes
  2. Celebrate and journal/record your wins of the day, including problem areas that occurred with a resolution plan for your next attempt. | 30 minutes
  3. Write out/record 5 things that you are grateful for about yourself and provide a why statement. Get in tune with the emotions that arise when you write each statement and ask yourself if the actions you took today contribute towards your desired soul purpose. | 20 minutes
  4. Eat a filling dinner with a variety of colors (at least 2–3 with violet included). | 30 minutes
  5. Practice solo or guided meditation to reflect on your current values and priorities to identify inconsistencies. Write down/record what you uncover during your session (it may take a few attempts if you are new to meditating but over time you will be able to tell the difference between your thoughts and irrational fears/limited beliefs). | 30 minutes
  6. Begin a wind-down routine to wrap up the evening for bed. | 1 hour


  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/moral-landscapes/201802/how-get-the-path-self-actualization
  2. https://www.chakras.info/overactive-crown-chakra/
  3. https://www.goalcast.com/crown-chakra/
  4. https://lonerwolf.com/crown-chakra-healing/
  5. https://www.goalcast.com/self-actualization/
  6. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/breathing-techniques
  7. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith
  8. The Book of Chakra Healing by Liz Simpson
  9. Chakra Clearing by Doreen Virtue | Video Version

How to Get Started | Free Digital/Printable Tools

I designed a free digital and physical print Wellness Journey tool to help you get started. Join the community to access the self-improvement resource database and take control of your life today! Are you ready to transform your life?

Print: My Wellness Journey | Daily Journal + Habit Tracker + Life Planner + Health Log

Digital: Emotion Regulation & Life Quality Manager | Ultimate Life Planner 🎯 | Notion Template

Who would you be today without the burdens of your trauma, insecurities, and fears holding you back? Please keep fighting, you are worth it.

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Empowerment Nexus ☯️

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